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Educators will be anonymously surveyed, using Survey Monkey, as to the effectiveness of the revised technology leadership and PD model to assess if it helped the technology integration process, eased the burden of learning new technologies, and provided a better technology learning experience for the educators themselves.  Also, they will be asked if this new model has given them more confidence to implement appropriate technologies and empowered them to continue implementing appropriate ed tech as a way to solve educational problems.  Also they will be asked if they believe the newly implemented technology has saved them time in working on every day tasks that is better spent on working directly with their students.  Additionally, educators will be asked to express how they feel about the whole PD experience itself.


In addition to a detailed survey, there will be a meeting to verbalize and discuss the benefits of the updated technology leadership and PD model, the negative aspects of the model and if this model should continue as is, be refined in some ways, or cease altogether.


Educators will survey their students regarding the quality of the learning experiences themselves as they relate to the implemented ed tech artifacts and lessons created as a result of the departmental PD collaboration.  Surveys, through Survey Monkey, will be made and emailed to students to be completed anonymously.   The survey will ask about the effectiveness of the ed tech artifacts and lessons, if the artifacts and lessons enhanced learning, if the artifacts and lessons were vital to the learning of content and if the artifacts and lessons were meaningful to the overall learning experience.  Also, pre- and post-assessments will be administered to the students relative to the ed tech artifacts and lessons.  Additionally, a comparison will be made between past student assessments of the particular content area and the current post-assessments.  This will serve to compare learning prior to existence of the new ed tech artifacts and lessons, in order to detect if the newly constructed ed tech artifacts deepen learning as compared to the learning that happened prior to the existence of the ed tech artifacts and lessons.  And, of course, classroom anecdotal data will be collected to measure if the newly constructed ed tech artifacts and lessons facilitate a positive learning experience for learners.

Part 4

Evaluation...measuring the impact

The evaluation of the effectiveness of this project will be two-tiered.  Educators partaking in the PD sessions will be evaluated to gain insight into their experience of the newly adapted technology leadership and PD model.  And, their students will be evaluated to assess how this model has affected their learning as a result of the educational products produced through departmental ed tech development and collaboration.

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